wooburn & bourne end parish councillors

Below is a brief explanation of our committees, plus a list of our Councillors and which committees they belong to. 

We currently have 12 members on Full Council, with 5 vacancies available. 

If you would like more information on how to become a Parish Councillor, please get in touch.

The register of members interests can be found here.


Our Full Council meetings are on the 4th Tuesday of the month. All councillors meet to review the overall business of the council not delegated to the three sub committees below, such as monthly spend verses budget, policy review, asset management, future planning, precept setting and liaison with principal authority and local organisations. This council meets the requirements of the General Power of Competence which gives the council the opportunity to do anything that individuals generally may do. (Localism Act 2011 sections 1 -8, specifically s1(1))


F&GP meets every 2nd Tuesday in alternate months. Their overall responsibility is the management of the Parish Council’s financial affairs in accordance with legislative requirements, regulations and guidelines, recommending the precept (an annual tax collected by the Unitary Authority from the local electorate to meet the parish council’s budget requirements.)


The Open Spaces Committee meets every 1st Tuesday of the month. Their responsibilities include ponds, rivers and woodlands, including those rented and leased by the Council, including their maintenance which covers grass cutting, fencing, boundary walls, gates and buildings. Also the Council’s leisure areas: allotments, recreation grounds, football pitches, pavilions and play equipment. Cemetery decisions are also included.


PH&L meets every 3 weeks on a Wednesday. The parish council is a consultee, this entails giving comments on each planning application within the parish.  However, the parish council has no power to overturn any decision made by the planning authority which in our case is Buckinghamshire Council

Tim Bingham

Tim Bingham


Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L/F&GP Chair

Register of Members’ Interests

Sue Wagner

Sue Wagner

Vice Chair

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L/Open Spaces/F&GP Vice Chair

Register of Members’ Interests

Mike Appleyard

Mike Appleyard

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L/Open Spaces

Register of Members’ Interests

Miriam Blazey

Miriam Blazey 

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L Chair/F&GP

Register of Members’ Interests

Ian Blazey

Ian Blazey 

Ward: Wooburn Green

[email protected]

Committees: Open Spaces Chair/F&GP

Register of Members’ Interests

Andy Cobden

Andy Cobden 

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: Open Spaces Vice Chair

Register of Members’ Interests

Jane Ford

Jane Ford 

Ward: Wooburn Green

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L/Open Spaces

Register of Members’ Interests


Margaret Marshall 

Ward: Bourne End

01628 523 987

Committees: Open Spaces

Register of Members’ Interests

Penny Drayton

Penny Drayton 

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: Open Spaces

Register of Members’ Interests


James Mortimer 

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L Vice Chair/F&GP

Register of Members’ Interests


Stuart Wilson 

Ward: Bourne End

[email protected]

Committees: PH&L

Register of Members’ Interests


Phillip Waterman

Ward: Wooburn Green

[email protected]

Committees: Full Council

Register of Members’ Interests





Local authority helping to make decisions on behalf of the people in Wooburn & Bourne End Parish.

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